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Fighting Bad Breath

Halitosis is the medical term for bad breath. It can be embarrassing and affects how people think about you. There are many different causes for halitosis. Some causes can be corrected with effective medical treatments while others require behavior modifications. If you have noticed you have bad breath or someone has told you so, then see your dentist and they will confirm whether you indeed have halitosis. Then they will look for causes by examination and by asking questions about your diet, medications, and home dental care. If a medical cause is found, your dentist can help treat it or refer you to a specialist. Many times the halitosis is due to things other than medical problems and your dentist can suggest things you can do to fight the bad breath.

Bacteria are one cause of halitosis. Food particles left in your mouth after eating combine with bacteria to create bad odors. These often collect at the back of the tongue. Brushing your tongue when you brush your teeth or using a special tongue scraper to clean off food and bacteria can help. Be sure to brush as far back as you can.

Gum (periodontal) disease is an infection of the gums and can cause bad breath. There are non-surgical and surgical treatments for this depending on how advanced it is. Your dentist may treat the problem themselves or send you to see a periodontist.

A dry mouth can result in bad breath. A dry mouth means there's not enough saliva in your mouth and it is saliva that cleanses your mouth, washing away many odor-causing bacteria. It may become dry when you sleep, if you don't drink enough fluids, or because of certain medications. Drink plenty of water (eight glasses a day) and rinse your mouth with water every so often to keep saliva flowing. Chewing sugarless gum can also help.

Certain types of foods can cause bad breath. These include garlic, onions, fish, cabbage, coffee and alcohol. To help, make diet changes that eliminate the foods that cause your bad breath. By eliminating one food at a time for a week, you can determine which are the offending ones and eliminate or minimize them completely.

Chewing or smoking tobacco can make your breath smell bad. This bad breath stays with you even when you're not smoking or chewing. The only way to eliminate this problem is to quit smoking or chewing. You will be amazed by how much better your breath will smell. Other benefits will include a better sense of taste.

If you have dentures, braces, or other mouth gear, they can cause bad breath if they are not kept clean. Be sure to follow the recommendations of your dentist for taking care of these appliances properly. Certain medical problems may also contribute to bad breath. Talk to your dentist about the possibilities. For example, sinus problems that cause drainage into the throat may sometimes lead to mouth odor. In general, bad breath becomes more of a problem as you age.

Talk to your dentist about mouth rinses because most over-the-counter mouthwashes only cover up bad breath for a short period of time. If it is appropriate your dentist may suggest a prescription for a mouth rinse that helps kill odor-causing bacteria.

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