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Proper Diet for a Dental Health

Diet plays a vital role in dental health. The condition of the teeth after they are formed depends upon the foods one eats from day to day. Dental decay, the destruction of the bone around the teeth, and infection of the gums can be prevented with an appropriate diet.
In fact, with a proper diet, the teeth and jaw bones can be made harder and healthier as the years go by.

Restrict sugar intake, include raw vegetables in diet
It is important to restrict one's sugar intake, and to ensure that the diet includes plenty of raw vegetables and wholewheat bread. Whole foods are ideal for the teeth. Fibreless refined foods allow particles to accumulate on the teeth in a sticky mass where they can do great harm.

The gums need friction to keep them firm and whole foods also help remove plaque. They are therefore called 'detergent foods' by some dentists. In preventing tooth decay, what one eats is no doubt important but equally important is when one eats.

Avoid frequent small snacks and sugar intake
Frequent small snacks are very harmful to teeth, as they produce an acid medium in which the bacteria thrive. The number of times one eats sugar is one of the most important factors in determining the rate of decay. For this reason, it is better to eat sweets at the end of a meal rather than between meals.

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